Education Quality Improvement Project funds digital devices for special needs students
Thursday, November 26, 2020
by Ministry of Education

One hundred and thirty special needs learners across the island lack access to technological and assistive devices, which inhibits their ability to effectively participate in online learning. These assistive devices will be used by students under the guidance of their teachers and specialists, and under the security and care of their parents.

The Education Quality Improvement Project (EQuIP) has a focus on strengthening the provision for special education, by identifying the needs and assessing the modalities by which it intervenes to respond to the needs of this sector. The project is co-financed by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). Earlier this year, the CDB saw it fitting that Ministries of Education of borrowing member countries, should be able to utilise funds already approved by CDB to enable these countries to meet eligible expenditure for interventions which are being implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is why the Project Coordinating Unit (PCU) was directed by the Administration of the Department of Education to provide within this year, some level of educational support to special education to transition to an online modality. This support is in the form of supplying the necessary electronic platform to underpin ongoing teaching and learning. Teachers of special education have not been left out and will soon be provided with instructional devices. The Project Coordinating Unit will continue the procurement of specific assistive devices as well as electronic devices to assist the special education sector into next year.