CCC change in operations
Thursday, March 26, 2020
by CCC

With the mounting concern over the spread of COVID-19 globally and in the region, the Castries Constituency Council has made adjustments to its service operations. The aim is to minimize person-to-person contact and to control the potential spread of COVID-19.

Our focus and challenge as an essential service is on maintaining operations within the City of Castries, particularly the upkeep, cleanliness and sanitation of our facilities and the streets during this period of the partial country shutdown. As such, effective March 25, 2020, and until further notice, we are making the following changes to our service operations.

We will no longer provide walk-in service until further notice.

If you require any service or assistance, please go to the city police complaints desk. You can also call 452 2121 for assistance.

The Landscaping, Sanitation, and Administrative departments will work until 1pm on a rotation basis. The Works Department, based on urgent matters of maintenance, will be on-call.

Pertaining to facilities:

The Vendors Arcade and the Castries Craft Market will be closed except on Fridays and Saturdays.

The Derek Walcott Square and Serenity Park will remain closed until further notice.

The Darling Road, Lower Jeremie Street and serenity Park comfort stations will remain closed until further notice.

The High Street, Babonneau Bus stop, and Upper Jeremie Street comfort stations will remain open along with those in the communities of Pavee, Rosehill, Marchand, Faux au Chaux and Graveyard.

These measures are necessary to ensure the safety of employees and the general public as we remain committed in supporting the Prime Minister’s call for persons to stay at home and exercise social distancing.

Staff of the Cemetery Department will work only on burial days.

We encourage you to send all requests to Our staff will respond and advise you accordingly.