NAP moves to Anse La Raye
Friday, February 21, 2020
by Anicia Antoine, GIS

The National Apprenticeship Program, through the Monroe College International Hospitality Training Institute will be providing a second leg of hospitality training to over 50 young people from the constituency of Anse La Raye and Canaries.

The three-month program forms part of an initiative by the Government of Saint Lucia to help alleviate the high unemployment rate among youth.

Director of the National Apprenticeship Program, Dr. Windy Moncherry, encouraged the apprentices to make the most of the opportunity.

“You have started a journey that we at NAP at Monroe, will assist you with in order for you to complete it successfully. About three years ago, the Government of Saint Lucia recognizing that unemployment was extremely high among young people, especially in the south, decided to begin the National Apprenticeship Program, and the mandate that we have is to train young persons, unemployed persons, give them skills, give them knowledge that they need to become employable as well as getting you employment opportunities. We will get you interviews but NAP does not give you jobs.”

The Government of Saint Lucia will also fund 33 percent of the costs, with the participants contributing the balance. Additionally, each student will receive a stipend of $500 monthly.

Subsequent to the program, the trainees will be placed on internships within the hospitality sector. The opening ceremony for the National Apprenticeship Program took place on Feb. 18.