Saint Lucia observes World Water Day
Monday, March 22, 2021
by Amanda-Faye Clarke, Ministry of Agriculture

World Water Day 2021 is again set aside for increased awareness and sensitization of the importance of water resources to everyday life. This year, the Water Resources Management Agency (WRMA) will work in partnership with the Department of Forestry to deliver an itinerary of activities geared toward highlighting tangible ways a citizen can support the ongoing interventions by the Ministry of Agriculture to improve the accessibility to water, and to encourage proper management and use of water resources.

Jason Ernest, Director of the Water Resources Management Agency, said the placement of the World Water Day observation on the calendar each year is timely for citizens of Saint Lucia as it provides an opportunity to reflect and adjust our habits as it relates to the use of water.

The theme for World Water Day 2021 is "Valuing Water". According to the United Nations, "the value of water is about much more than its price."

World Water Day is in line with Sustainable Development Goal number 6 which is aimed at achieving water and sanitation by all for 2030.