Register a Change of Particulars of a Business Name (by a Firm)

Description: Whenever a change is made or occurs in any of the particulars Registered for a Business Name, the changes should be furnished to the Registrar within a period of 28 days using the prescribed form.
Category: Business/Commerce
Office: Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property
Deadline Date: None
Processing Time: Two (2) business days
Fee: EC$50.00
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  1. Complete the Statement of Change of Particulars by a Firm (Form 7)

  2. Submit the completed form to the Registry with the prescribed fee

  3. The Certificate of Registration of Change of Particulars will be issued by the Registry
  • If you are changing the name of the business, then a Business Name Search form for the new name must be submitted for approval prior to changing the particulars of the Business Name
  • Notes:
    1. Complete the Statement of Change of Particulars by a Firm (Form 7)

    2. Submit the completed form to the Registry with the prescribed fee

    3. The Certificate of Registration of Change of Particulars will be issued by the Registry

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