TVET trains CVQ master trainers
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
by Ministry of Education
The Caribbean Vocational Qualification furnishes candidates with the credentials needed to work as professionals throughout the Caribbean region.

Twenty educators became certified Master Trainers under the Caribbean Vocational Qualification (CVQ), last month.

These CVQ Master Trainers will now be responsible for the training of assessors under the CVQ, who will in turn administer and conduct assessments under the award for varying technical and vocational areas, administered by the Technical Vocational Education and Training Unit (TVET). They will also facilitate the training of teachers in a new program which introduces CVQ to secondary schools on the island.

The activity held in late January at the Pastoral Center was facilitated by Dunn-Pierre/Barnett and Associates of Jamaica.

The CVQ qualifies candidates to work as professionals throughout the Caribbean region.

View this and other stories via the Ministry of Education's monthly newsletter "Edu Focus," attached below.
